Key Benefits
Understanding why time is of the essence in Islam.
Reviewing our primary roles and responsibilities and redirecting our activities towards them.
Setting effective goals that are aligned to Akhirah-centric values, mission and vision.

Latest from the Blog

Preparing for Ramadan: A Guide for Muslim Mothers to Maximise Time and Spiritual Fulfillment
Understand the relationship between time and action and how you will be held accountable for it on the Day of Judgement. An overview of what time management means in the context of Islam with tools to assess how you currently spend your time.
Succinct but powerful goal setting guidelines that help you to re-align the way you live your life. You will be given distinct strategies and formulae to define and measure your new goals with appropriate processes, tools and tips.
You will learn how to set long and short-term goals, how to track progress, how to evaluate and adapt goals, how to assess when strategies aren’t working, and how to calibrate the timing of activities.
The benefits of planning in maximising productivity, feeling accomplished and having success in your overall well being. You will be given distinct steps to help you follow your plan using criteria and guidelines that are imperative in achieving accuracy and slaying tasks.
Insights into scheduling and how it is beneficial for achieving your goals. Powerful techniques that can be used to create schedules and routines that will function around our most important roles and responsibilities. Highlights what role Istikhara plays in scheduling tasks and how to use it to make the correct decisions.
Looking at the causes for not being punctual and exploring the effective resolutions.
The rest patterns of the Prophet (PBUH) ﷺ are explored together with the concept of Kailula and the vices of staying up too late. The benefits of using the morning to complete our most important activities are also explored.
Different types of leisure activities that are enjoyable but also Islamically acceptable and beneficial are explored.
Where procrastination stems from and the differences between being lazy and procrastinating, along with strategies for overcoming it. The role of Shaytan and the Nafs are also discussed and strategies for overcoming the whispers of Shaytan are shared.
What causes us to become distracted from our goals are explained. Guidelines for eliminating and or minimising distractions are also explored.
The concept of a balanced approach to life with exploration of praiseworthy and blameworthy planning. Developing healthy social media habits.
Why Muslims are required to be productive and the factors that affect your productivity. How to attain optimum barakah including how to recognise the presence or absence of it in our lives.

“This is the book I never knew I needed to read, a thought provoking guide that will stop you in your tracks!”
“A practical light with an Islamic touch. It’s impressive how beautifully the author has expressed and elaborated this topic.”
“Appropriate, to the point, and well referenced. I would definitely recommend this book.”
When the Two Seas Meet
This is a timeless guide to help anyone who wants to improve the relationship with their in-laws. It will help to renew and grow the bond between mother in-law and daughter in-law, building the foundation for a strong and respectful relationship. Based on an Islamic perspective, this book shares valuable tips and advice relevant for other relationships as well.
Also available in Urdu Arabic
Coming soon in Hindi, Tamil

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Letters to my mother-in-law
Letters to my mother-in-law is a monthly feature on our newsletter that allows mothers/daughters in-law to submit questions anonymously. It is a space where we can unpack the challenges of this unique relationship and learn from the teachings of ‘When the two seas meet’, the advice from which is rooted in the Quran and Sunnah.

Shaytan and the Nafs: Overcoming our Strongest Enemies
This book is about discovering the winning strategies to overpower Shaytan and the nafs in order to achieve our ultimate goal, the pleasure of Allah. It offers guidance, information and training (based on the Quran and Sunnah) to help us tackle complex battles we fight against our fiercest enemies and build a protective shield against them.